Where can I get condoms?

Condoms should always be considered a necessity for couples. Condoms ensure that sexual intercourse can take place without fear of unwanted pregnancy or transmission of any disease. Moreover, they can be purchased over the counter. Both young people and adults are allowed to buy them. You want to use them for the first time and you don't know where to find them. Now it is possible to get them for free.

Going to a supermarket or pharmacy

The best way to get condoms is to go directly to a shop. This could be a drugstore, a supermarket, etc. There seem to be many places where you can buy a condom. Just take the time to find out about the opening and closing times of the shop. Generally, the outlets are not open 24 hours a day. There are also those that are not available to customers at weekends. For people who do not want to show their purchase, this can be quite inconvenient. To go unnoticed, go to the shops in the afternoon or directly online at Euro-Pharma. However, be aware that the choice of condoms seems to be smaller in physical shops.

Buying condoms online

At the moment, digitalisation is integrated in various fields. The Internet is beginning to democratise the purchase of the most commonly used contraceptive products. The condom is one of them. The advantage of ordering condoms online is that you don't have to go anywhere. If you don't want to expose yourself to the public while shopping, this is the perfect solution. The delivery seems to be fast as well. And on top of that, the service is available at any time. Despite the benefits of this method of shopping, it is useful to remain prudent. The web is still unknown when it comes to "health". Be sure that you are buying a product from a recognised site in the field.

Family planning and dispensers

Minors and young people have free access to family planning. This is a specialised association. It gives advice and even provides pregnancy tests to young people. The centres are open at all hours. You can find free condoms there. For the distributors, you can find them behind the pharmacies. At the same time they are available in nightclubs, bars, etc. They are especially needed in case of emergency.

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